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56-Year-Old Man Who Lived Underwater In Atlantic Ocean For 100 Days Becomes Younger By 10 Years Below excerpt and title of this post reported by IT News Desk. (2024, May 21). 56-Year-Old Man Who Lived Underwater In Atlantic Ocean For 100 Days Becomes Younger By 10 Years. India Times 'The quest to reverse aging has been a long-standing challenge for scientists worldwide, with limited success. However, an unconventional experiment may have theoretically unlocked the holy grail of reversing aging. This breakthrough is based on the changes observed in the body of Joseph Dituri after he lived underwater for a record 100 days.' 'Extensive medical examinations, including DNA tests, revealed that Dituri felt significantly rejuvenated because he had become biologically younger. After medical assessments, it was found that Dituri's telomeres, the DNA caps at the ends of chromosomes that typically shrink with age, had become 20 percent longer than three months earlier.' To read full article, … Read more