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China debuts world's first AI hospital where robot doctors will be ‘able to treat 3,000 patients daily’ Below excerpt and title of this post reported by Wade. P. (2024, May 31). China debuts world's first AI hospital where robot doctors will be ‘able to treat 3,000 patients daily’. Unlad Tech 'Chinese researchers are forging ahead into the unknown where artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare are concerned, unveiling an impressive new all-AI hospital that isn't quite what it seems.' 'It would be tempting to read their statements and assume that the team from China is working on a brick-and-mortar hospital full of robotic AI helpers to get through thousands of patients a day, but the truth is a little more complicated.' 'In fact, 'Agent Hospital', as it's being called, is an entirely virtual environment at the moment, one that probably won't be accessible to real human patients for some time.' 'Instead, it can be thought of as a sort of training programme for AI doctors, and a way for researchers to see how AI bots would work in a hospital environment with virtual patients, responsibilities and more.' To read full article, click here Image by freepik Legal Disclaimer: INFYNIT is providing the content here for educational purposes only. All opinions are of the original author and not an opinion of INFYNIT or any of its affiliates.